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Acai Berries, Acai Berry Capsules, Acai Berry Immunity Plus, Antioxidants, Energy Boost, Heart Health, Immunity Support, Minerals, Omega Oils, Super B Plus Group Ltd, Superfood, Superfoos Supplement, Superfruit, Vitamins, Weight Loss -

Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries have become incredibly popular in the form of dietary supplements over the past few years, both in capsule and powder form. This is in no small part due to the significant media attention they have received, since being more widely recognised in the Western world as a "superfruit". In other words, a fruit with an exceptionally high nutrientto-calorie ratio compared to other fruits of a similar kind. For example, in terms of antioxidant, essential fatty acid, vitamin or mineral content.  Although having only just recently entered the wider public consciousness in the West, South Americans native...

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